Good morning! I hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year! If you drink today and tonight, PLEASE don't drive! Be responsible so that we can all share the new year together.
Every year I share a list of my accomplishments and troubles so I (and you) can see the sum of my year. Since Simple Treasures is a New Year's story, I decided to extend my Release Party to include my 2012 summary and 2013 goals.
So, in 2012...
I saw my first 3 books go up for sale.
I signed 2 more book contracts.
I celebrated a year at my part-time tutoring job with a great review and a raise.
I had a mini fire that could have killed me while I slept.
I moved again.
I received two more rejections on two other writing projects.
I went back to my hometown for the first time in 3 years.
I met my cousin's 2nd little girl.
I began teaching a new online class, and taught 6 classes altogether.
I signed up to teach 9 online classes in 2013.
I submitted another project that I can't share information about yet.
I signed a contract for a full-time job as a writing tutor at a charter school.
I lost about 12lbs.
I put those 12lbs back on. (And I think I did it all over Christmas!!!!)
All in all, I really can't complain. I'm fairly healthy, happy, doing what I love and I have wonderful family and friends in my life. I can't wait to see what AWESOME surprises 2013 brings!
AND.....for 2013.....I plan to....
Go back to my home state again and visit more friends.
Submit at least 3 Honor Guard novellas and maybe 2 short stories to Decadent.
Continue submitting my full-length books to publishers.
Complete the revisions on at least 2 of my full-length stories.
Complete the next draft on one of my last NaNoWriMo books.
Lose 20lbs.
Keep off most of the 20lbs.
Study more about being a writer.
Have a party and maybe a book signing when my Honor Guard Anthology is released!
Get to at least one writers/readers conference.
Live a little more since I'll have a steady income. But not too much. I have writing to do!
Tomorrow starts a New Year and I'll be participating in a New Year's Blog Hop! Hope you'll consider joining us for that, too!