Friday, June 1, 2012

Checkin' In

It's June!


I'm working on: Honor Guard novella #3 submission, Simple Treasures
I'm feeling: A bit relieved because the story is working, getting better with every hour of revising, and will be submitted hopefully Monday, June 4th. (Tuesday at the latest!)
I'm specifically working on: The blurb for Simple Treasures, which always helps me with the final drafts.
I'd like: it to be Tuesday already! Please keep sending good thoughts my way, especially as I push to finish.

I was supposed to have at least one writing project done today. Do I?
Nope, not yet, BUT I'm so close! I lost a few hours of work yesterday morning because I was sick as a dog when I woke up. I went back to bed and slept until 11am. I've still got sections to write and A LOT of goal, motivation & conflict stuff to add in, but writing the blurb at this point always helps me keep focused on the crux of the story. Today, I'm getting up, doing some errands and then I'm going to see Snow White & the Huntsman at 10:30! Then the rest of the day will be spent on getting ready for the final major draft of Treasures.

As for short story #1, well, that's another story altogether and I'll share that with you next week!

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