If the current plan doesn't work, or the deadlines whiz by, I believe in revising that plan immediately! So...
I've been pushing to get my manuscript completed by next Tuesday, my Austin RWA meeting night. I could probably get it done by then, but it won't be ready to send to my CPs. I decided that I will keep writing over the weekend, and I'll write A LOT. BUT Tuesday I'm going to stop and take the rest of the week off. The story will sit on my desktop and my laptop (and in my email IN box) for several days while I study (er...read that as cram) for my teacher certification test, which is a week from tomorrow. After that test, I'll spend one more week or so finishing another draft of Lies before I send it to my CPs to rip it apart. I know, this is a lot of crazy information. So just know this...I expect to finish it and start querying sometime in the first 2 weeks of May.
And what did I do today? I took today off from writing. Instead, I've been reading a Carla Cassidy Intrigue. She reminds me why I want to write for this Harlequin line. Must get back to it now! (Well, and the Bourne Ultimatum is on so I'm watching that too.)
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